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Dash Electrum Server


Dash Core Group
I'm having trouble starting up my electrum dash server. I'm running a self-compiled dashd on the local host (v13 branch), and I believe the credentials for that should be correct.

Has anyone got this error before, or know where to look?

INFO:electrum-dash:Starting Electrum Dash Server on X
ERROR:electrum-dash:db init
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/dashelec/electrum-dash-server/src/storage.py", line 36, in __init__
    self.db_utxo = plyvel.DB(os.path.join(self.dbpath,'utxo'), create_if_missing=True, compression=None)
  File "_plyvel.pyx", line 236, in plyvel._plyvel.DB.__init__ (plyvel/_plyvel.cpp:3129)
  File "_plyvel.pyx", line 80, in plyvel._plyvel.raise_for_status (plyvel/_plyvel.cpp:1698)
IOError: IO error: /var/leveldb/electrum-dash-server/utxo/LOCK: No such file or directory
INFO:electrum-dash:Stopping Stratum
INFO:electrum-dash:initializing database
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./run_electrum_dash_server", line 257, in <module>
    chain_proc = BlockchainProcessor(config, shared)
  File "/home/dashelec/electrum-dash-server/src/blockchain_processor.py", line 52, in __init__
    self.storage = Storage(config, shared, self.test_reorgs)
  File "/home/dashelec/electrum-dash-server/src/storage.py", line 55, in __init__
    self.put_node('', {})
  File "/home/dashelec/electrum-dash-server/src/storage.py", line 201, in put_node
    self.db_utxo.put(key, out)
AttributeError: 'Storage' object has no attribute 'db_utxo'